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Trusted Legal & Mediation Services

Mediation Lawyer in Eagle, Summit, Lake and Clear Creek Counties

For better or worse, conflict is part of the human condition and the dreaded lawsuit or litigation is the manner we, as a society, have chosen to resolve many conflicts. We’re all aware of the horror stories about the costs and stresses of litigation, the time involved, the uncertainty, and the lack of control over the end result. It doesn’t have to be this way. If you find yourself confronted by the ominous prospect of a lengthy, expensive, and contentious lawsuit, consider mediation, the process by which parties to a dispute negotiate a final resolution with the assistance of a neutral, third-party, a mediator. The benefits of using mediators in Eagle County, CO to settle a dispute to settle a dispute are clear – it’s cheaper and faster than traditional litigation for all concerned, offers greater control over the final result, and affords the parties a sense of finality not often achieved through litigation

It is often said that the best negotiation results in both parties walking away unsatisfied. While there is some truth to this sentiment – as we all learned as kindergartners, peaceful coexistence requires a bit of give and take on everybody’s part – Melissa Decker, one of the most experienced mediators in Eagle, Summit, Lake and Clear Creek Counties Colorado, believes mediation can and should be more than that. While every dispute is unique, depending on the parties and issues involved, Attorney Decker is committed to ensuring that you will be heard and understood, be treated fairly, and have an opportunity to tell your side of the story. She will then strive to find the common ground and, where common ground cannot be found, engage in the back-and-forth with the parties necessary to achieve resolution of their dispute, all with the end goal of ensuring the parties walk away with an agreement they not only can live with but believe is a fair and appropriate way to resolve a dispute that could otherwise consume their lives. To learn more about mediation lawyers in Eagle, Summit, Lake or Clear Creek Counties, CO, contact Attorney Decker.

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